Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trip Day 58 – Last day in Paris

Cool and Crisp, seems a fitting day to bring to an end my time in Paris, today I have two main things to do before I can leave, the first is to get the lift to the top of the Eiffel tower, the second is to sit on the steeps of the Sacre Cour Basilica and watch the sunset over Paris.

It was suggested that the best stop on the metro for the Eiffel tower was the Trocedero, this sits on the other side of the Seine and gives a great view, it is a very popular spot with people to sit and look out over the tower. A short walk across the bridge finds me at the base of the tower, the line, for the lift, snakes its way around in a horse shoe and it is an hour before I get to get a ticket for the lift ride to the top. This is done in 2 stages, first a lift to the second floor then one of four lifts to the top, all of these lift have big glass windows and give a commanding view. The view from the top is amazing you can either look out from the enclosed deck or climb out onto the second caged floor.

Next it is off to Sacre Cour, the metro ride is not long and it gets you to the bottom of the hill, it is then a matter of walking up the street filled with souvenir shops top the bottom of the steps that lead up to the Basilica. The steps at the top are filled with people waiting for the sun to go down, it is a pure carnival type atmosphere as there are buskers and performers all entertaining the crowd. Many people have brought wine or beer with them. The sunset is spectacular with the white building of Paris turning orange and pink hews before the lights take over the city. A perfect way to end my time in Paris.      

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